The video which had Nithyananda and Ranjitha in compromising position had turned many people red faced. There was news initially that Ranjitha was involved in this. Later on it was mentioned that one of Nithyananda’s disciple Lenin Karuppan had taken the video clandestinely.
Then it seems that he has mentioned that he and Ranjitha had taken this video to black mail Nithyananda to make money. But Swami Nithyananda, in a statement said that he had not committed any thing contrary to law and also added that he is gathering the information regarding this video and he will bring out the truth within few days.
But a question has arisen about the whereabouts Ranjitha. There are rumors that she has gone away with Nithyananda, Nithyananda is hiding in the ashram and Ranjitha is not opening her mouth. At this point Ranjitha while speaking to a source said,” The media who were responsible for my growth are speaking so ill about me. Is it justified? I am a good family girl. I have been a leading actress in the South Indian films. I cannot bear that the media telling that I have taken this video to make money. I have high regard for Swami Nithyananda.
The whole world knows about it. The whole world knows about it. I am very much attracted towards his discourses and views. I was suffering from sinusitis from my very young age. He rectified it in a single day. From that day onwards I became his devotee. Massaging his leg, giving tablets and food is only service. But someone has morphed some scenes and made it like a porno film. Nithyananda is a wise god man. He himself will explain in two weeks about this whole issue in detail. Until then, I request the media not to hurt me, please.”